Thursday, February 23, 2012

48 days and counting to Day 1 of Culinary School!

So after writing a full posting of my new and first post, I lost the whole thing! Drat! You can bet that before I leave this page I will copy and paste it to a document that I can copy and paste back!

So here I go again! Come April 10th (7 days before my tax season ends), I will be attempting yet another interesting journey in my life. Considering that becoming an Indian Chief is not likely, I thought going the cooking route is my best option. Although I can't say that I haven't had the biggest presence in the kitchen, there is nothing finer than when you make a good dish that someone really appreciates (like my step-father). I definitely got my enjoyment of food from my mother. Coming from Germany, my mom provided me with a more international palate. Somehow or another, neither my father nor my sister shared interest in food to the purpose of what tastes good and different.

So who is to blame? Well I blame it on Julie Powell, Julia Child, Amy Adams, and most of all, Meryl Streep...if you haven't seen it...go watch "Julie and Julia." I also blame it on finances or the lack thereof (loss of cable tv). I had to resort to watching any and all of the dvds in my collection. It started with watching the movie (too many times to count how many times I have watched it...including a couple of times in French), then reading Julie Powell's book "Julie and Julia, My Year of Eating Dangerously," then Julia's book written with her nephew, Alex Prudhomme, "My Life in France," then Noel Riley Fitch's "Appetite for Life, the Julia Child Biography", and finally "Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume I" written by Julia, herself, along with Simone (Simca) Beck and Louisette Bertholle.

"Mastering the Art of French Cooking" is a cookbook like no other, and definitely one I plan on keeping readily available as I go through my cooking career.

My first foray into cooking out of this wonderful book with the Chocolate cake with sliced almonds. If you have seen the movie, you know exactly which cake I am talking about! I'm going to make this and bring it to my friend, Cindy's, who is having her annual Academy Award soiree. Knowing that there are some real chocoholics attending, I think it will go over well...especially if Laurie is able to make it :).

To end this post as I plan to in posts to the words of Julia Child "Toujours Bon Appetite!"